Planning Your Next Den Meeting Just Got Easier

If you’re a den leader, you’re going to love the latest update to Scoutbook! The Boy Scouts of America’s online tool for tracking Scouting advancement just rolled out a new update that’s going to make it easier than ever for den leaders to prepare for and lead meetings, track advancement and attendance, and more. 

New Headwaters Eagle Scouts – April-July 2019

Please join the Headwaters District Advancement team in congratulating the following Scouts on their achievement of the rank of Eagle Scout with the completion of their Boards of Review in the months of April, May, June and July 2019:

Eagle Boards of Review


  • William D. – Troop 1 Hopkinton
  • McKay C. – Troop 51 Marlborough
  • Owen O. – Troop 232 Ashland


  • Derek L. – Troop 1 Northborough
  • Samuel C. – Troop 382 Westborough


  • Daniel D. – Troop 4 Hopkinton
  • John R. – Troop 4 Hopkinton
  • Luke B. – Troop 44 Mendon
  • Andrew M. – Troop 44 Mendon
  • Gregory E. – Troop 51 Marlborough
  • Ethan K. – Troop 77 Hudson
  • Jack B. – Troop 92 Southborough
  • Bradley D. – Troop 100 Bellingham
  • Joshua K. – Troop 101 Northborough
  • Isaiah B. – Troop 126 Franklin
  • Bailey C. – Troop 126 Franklin
  • Joseph C. – Troop 126 Franklin
  • Max C. – Troop 232 Ashland


  • Patrick B. – Troop 4 Hopkinton
  • Ethan K. – Troop 4 Hopkinton
  • Jacob D. – Troop 112 Franklin
  • Jordan K. – Troop 232 Ashland
  • Monzer K. – Troop 232 Ashland
  • Carl D. – Troop 382 Westborough

It is an honor and privilege to congratulate these exceptional Scouts for their achievement. As less than 5% of Scouts become Eagles, these are truly the best of the best, the most dedicated, and the most determined to succeed!



Once an Eagle Scout, Always an Eagle Scout!

What’s the intent of advancement requirements?

Several requirements along the trail to the Eagle Scout rank seem very straight-forward: demonstrate tying knots, participate in a flag ceremony, sleep in a tent you helped pitch, etc. However, there’s depth to each and every task a Scout must perform.

Suggested Eagle Scout News Release


From: BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA                                                                             FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Mayflower Council
2 Mount Royal Avenue, Suite 100
Marlborough, MA 01752

Contact: (Full name, title)
(Office and home phone numbers)


(Full name, age), of (address), has earned the highest advancement award offered by the Boy Scouts of America, the Eagle Scout Award. This achievement is reached by only four percent of all Scouts BSA.

(Last name) will be recognized in ceremonies on (day, date, and time) at the (location).

A member of (chartered organization, Troop #), (last name) is an exceptional scout, having served as (leadership position) and receiving (Scouting honors), according to Scoutmaster (full name).

Each candidate must earn 21 merit badges and successfully plan, design, and lead a service project benefiting the community, a religious institution, or a school in order to earn their Eagle; (last name) chose to (describe project).

(Last name) joins other outstanding American citizens who have become Eagle Scouts, among them former President Gerald R. Ford, Jr., cinematographer Steven Spielberg, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, and over 40 U.S. astronauts.

(Last name) is a member of (religious institution) and is active in (school activities, i.e.: debate team, drama club, band, sports) at (name) High School, where (he/her) is a member of the class of (year).

(He/She) is the (son/daughter) of (parents) of (city).

(photo attached)

Eagle Letters of Recommendation Procedures

On your Eagle Scout Rank Application, you are asked to list a number of individuals that are willing to provide a recommendation for you as an Eagle Scout candidate. You should ask each of these individuals to write a brief letter on your behalf describing your worthiness to become an Eagle Scout.

You need to request letters from:

  • Your parents;
  • A teacher, guidance counselor, or staff member at your school;
  • A religious reference from someone at your place of worship (if none, you must have your parents address in their letter how you meet your “Duty to God” and demonstrate “Reverence”, as you promise to do when you recite the Scout Oath and Law);
  • An employer , if you have or had one; and
  • Two (2) other people, who know you well.

When you ask someone to write you a letter, you should give that person a copy of the document entitled Eagle Scout Reference Letter Request and a pre-addressed, stamped envelope. The document should be used by your reference as guidance regarding the type of information being requested and the envelope is to be used for submitting the reference letter.

The pre-addressed, stamped envelope should be addressed as follows:

  • In the upper left hand corner of the envelope (return address), provide the name and address of the person writing the letter.
  • The envelope should be addressed to the advancement administrator of your Unit or other contact person designated by your Unit.
  • In the lower left of the envelope, provide the words: “Eagle Recommendation For (insert YOUR NAME here)”.

The Unit’s advancement administrator, or other designated contact person, will retain the letters
UNOPENED for delivery to the Eagle Scout rank board of review.


Mayflower Council – June 1, 2018


The Scout below must appear soon before a “Board of Review” to satisfy the requirements for the highest rank in Scouting – Eagle Scout. You, who know them best, can supply evidence of his/her adherence to the Principles of Scouting in their daily life. Please write a frank, confidential appraisal of the Scout’s dependability, citizenship, leadership, and consideration of others. Your comments will be kept strictly confidential and will be seen, not by the Scout, but only by the members of the Board of Review. After completing your letter, please place it in the provided pre-addressed envelope and mail it.

Scout’s name: _______________________________________  Phone #________________________________

Using the four points listed below, please give your observations concerning the Scout. Feel free to add any other observations that you think are pertinent.

The Scout Oath or Promise and the Scout Law are the code of ethics by which a Scout strives to live.

Scout Oath or Promise

On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my Country and to obey the Scout Law;

to help other people at all times;

to keep myself physically strong, mentally aware, and morally straight.

Scout Law

A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent.

  • Describe how well he/she puts into practice in their everyday life, the principles embodied in the Scout Oath or Promise and the Scout Law.
  • Give information relating to his/her ability and willingness to accept and “follow through” on responsibilities.
  • Describe his/her attitude relative to instruction and criticism.
  • What recommendations would you make to the Scout for improvement?

Thank you very much for taking the time to provide this letter of recommendation to us. The input of people like you is very helpful to the Board of Review as it considers the Scout’s readiness to become an Eagle Scout.

Mayflower Council Advancement Committee

Service Project Proposal and Report

How to Prepare Your Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal and Report

The Beginning of the Trail:

It is recommended that the applicant use this instruction document as a personal checklist to ensure that the Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal has been properly prepared prior to its submission to the Eagle Scout Advancement Lead for your District.

  • Use the current version of the “Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook” to complete your project.  Any older versions are not accepted. The Workbook is a fillable PDF document. This will bring you to the National BSA website. Follow the directions To Download the PDF.

Important Note

It is strongly recommended that you first save the downloaded form to your computer and then reopen it using Adobe Acrobat Reader.  If you do not follow this procedure, you may have difficulty inputting data to the form and/or saving the form for future exiting.

If you choose to print out a paper copy of the Workbook and fill out the information by hand, you must fill in the information in black or blue ink (no pencil). The Workbook must appear exactly as it does online.

  • Read pages 2 through 6 and Proposal Page A before you start and then follow the directions here and throughout the Workbook. Do not submit these pages with the proposal.

Note that there is no minimum size to an Eagle Scout Service Project. Projects will be evaluated primarily on impact; that is, the extent of benefit to the beneficiary and the leadership to be provided by the Life Scout. There must also be evidence of planning and development.

  • Decide on whether to have a “project coach”, recognizing that the BSA strongly recommends you do. If you decide to have a project coach, the person must be registered with the BSA (in any adult position) and be current in BSA Youth Protection training, and may come from the unit, District or Council level. For more information on project coaches see page 6 of the Workbook.
    A project coach is just that – a coach. The coach’s role is to evaluate a plan and discuss strengths and weaknesses with the scout, the coach does not have the authority to dictate changes or withhold approval. If your Troop does not have an approved coach, email your District Eagle Scout Advancement Lead (email addresses are provided below).

The following Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal pages must be filled in and submitted to Mayflower Council for approval prior to initiation of the work on the Project.

  • Proposal Cover: Insert your name and a name for the Project.
  • Proposal Page B – Contact Information: Fill in all the lines. For Your Council Service Center use: Mayflower Council, 83 Cedar Street, Milford, MA  01757. Phone: 1-508-872- 6551. For the “Council or District Project Approval Representative”, use the Council address and put the name and email address of the District Eagle Scout Advancement Lead for your District:

District Email
Cranberry Harbors:
Post Road:

  • Proposal Pages C through E – Proposal: Read all instructions, fill in all sections and answer all questions. Include additional information (e.g. maps, diagrams, sketches, photos, etc.) if you believe it will help reviewers visualize the project.
  • Proposal Page E – Tour/Activity Plan: Tour and Activity Plans are no longer required for Eagle Scout Service Projects.
  • Proposal Page E – Signatures: Signatures are required of the Scout (see Candidate’s Promise on Proposal Page E), your Unit leader, your Unit Committee Chair or designee, and the representative of the beneficiary. When the beneficiary representative signs the Proposal, he/she must check the box confirming that you gave them the last two pages of the Workbook entitled: Navigating the Eagle Scout Service Project – Information for Project Beneficiaries.
  • After signatures have been secured, except for the Council or District Approval, scan the Project Proposal pages (Cover and Pages B through E) to create a new PDF file and email this to your District Advancement email listed above under contact information. A member of the District Advancement team will contact you to schedule a time to meet to discuss the Project Proposal. After the District Advancement Lead signs the Proposal, You can begin the Project.

If the Project Proposal is not approved, you will receive information stating the reasons for that decision and suggestions for revisions that will render the Proposal acceptable.

  • Fundraising Application: It is recommended that you file a Fundraising Application with your Eagle Project Workbook, even if money or material contributions come only from yourself, your parents or relatives, your scouting unit or its chartered organization, parents or members in your scouting unit, or the project beneficiary. Please make sure you have discussed the fundraising process with your unit leader and especially the beneficiary since you may be raising money in the name of the beneficiary. More information about Eagle Service Projects and fundraising can be found here.

Continuing on the Trail:

  • Final Plan Cover and Pages A through E: Prepare a Final Plan for the project. This section is very important for planning and organizing the Project. Though not subject to anyone’s approval, the more effort you put into addressing the items listed in this section, the easier the Project will be to implement. Remember, you will be asking others to volunteer to assist you in carrying out the Project – they will expect you to be prepared. It is recommended that you share the Final Plan with your project coach or Unit leader so they can give advice to help you organize the Project.
  • Project Report Pages Cover through Page C: This section is your final report on the Project. Provide written responses to all questions after the Project is completed.
    Keep detailed records of the Project, from start to finish. Record what you did and when, every time you work on the Project, including your planning. All hours expended working on the Project should be included in the Table provided on Project Report Page B.  Complete all sections of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook prior to the date of your 18th birthday.
  • Project Report Page C – Signatures: Sign the Candidate’s Promise on Project Report Page C and secure the signatures of your Unit leader and representative of the beneficiary. Note: All signatures must be dated prior to the date of the Scout’s 18th birthday.
  • Complete an Eagle Scout Rank Application Form per the instructions provided in the document entitled “How to Complete and Submit Your Eagle Scout Application Form”. This document is available online at the Mayflower Council website (

Additional Information on the Eagle Scout Rank can be found in Section 9 of the “Guide to Advancement”. This is available online at

Mayflower Council, Boy Scouts of America – Advancement Committee – November 26, 2018

Complete and Submit An Eagle Scout Application

How to Complete and Submit Your Eagle Scout Rank Application Form

Completing the Trail:

It is recommended that the applicant use this instruction document as a personal checklist to ensure that the Eagle Scout Rank Application Form has been properly prepared prior to its submission to Mayflower Council. If an application is missing or contains any inaccurate information, it cannot be processed – Mayflower Council cannot make changes to a filed application. Following and reviewing these instructions carefully with your Unit leader and committee chair prior to their signing the application can avoid processing delays.

  • Eagle Scout Application (for youth who completed requirements before July 1, 2022) or Eagle Scout Application (for youth who completed requirements ON OR AFTER July 1, 2022): Download and use the current Eagle Scout Rank Application form.  The application form is a fillable PDF.

Important Note:  It is strongly recommended that you first save the downloaded form to your computer and then
reopen it using Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not follow this procedure, you may have difficulty inputting data to the form and/or saving the form for future editing.  If you choose to print out a paper copy of the Application and fill out the information by hand, you must fill in the information in black or blue ink (no pencil).

  • Name and Personal Information: Print your full name, as you would like it to appear on your
    Eagle Certificate (no more than 30 characters, including punctuation and spaces). If filling out by
    hand, do this at the top of Page 2 as well. Provide your complete address and Unit designation
    information, including zip code.
  • Date became a Scouts BSA (Venturer): This is the date you became registered as a Scouts BSA
    (Venturer) by the BSA National Service Center. Obtain this date from Mayflower Council by
    sending your name, unit, and town in an email to:
  • Dates of First Class and Star Boards of Review: Get these dates from your Unit Advancement
    Administrator. This individual has access to your official records through Internet Advancement.
    There must be at least four (4) months separation between the date of the First Class Scout
    Board of Review and the date of the Star Scout Board of Review and at least six (6) months
    separation between the date of the Star Scout Board of Review and the date of the Life Scout
    Board of Review.
  • Date of Birth: All Eagle Scout rank requirements, other than the Eagle Scout Rank Board of
    Review, must be completed before your 18th birthday.
  • Requirement 1 – Active for Six Months: There must be at least six (6) months separation between the date of your Life Scout Board of Review and the date you apply for the Eagle Scout rank.
  • Requirement 2 – References: Follow the guidance provided in the document entitled: Eagle Scout Letters of Reference Procedures.  Provide each reference’s complete name, full mailing address (including zip code) and telephone number (including area code). Do not alter or delete any of the Reference categories listed under Requirement 2. If you do not have a specific religious reference, the issues of “Reverence” and “Duty to God” must be addressed in the letter provided by your parent(s)/guardian(s).
  • Requirement 3 – Merit Badges: List only 13 Eagle-required badges and eight (8) others. Dates are very important here. The list must include four (4) Eagle-required merit badges, together with two (2) other merit badges, with dates that precede the date you achieved the Star Scout rank and three (3) additional Eagle-required merit badges, together with two (2) additional other merit badges with dates that precede the date you achieved the Life Scout rank. Request that your Unit’s advancement administrator confirm all dates via Internet Advancement prior to filing the Eagle Scout Rank Application form with Mayflower Council. On merit badge numbers 7, 8, and 10, cross out the badges not being claimed as “Eagle required”. If a crossed out badge was earned, it can be re-entered as one of numbers 14 through 21. For example, if you have earned Emergency Preparedness but not Lifesaving, you should cross out the word “Lifesaving” in box 7. If you have earned both these merit badges and wish to claim Emergency Preparedness as your Eagle-required merit badge, you should cross out the word “Lifesaving” in box 7 and insert it into one of the boxes 14 through 21.  For each merit badge, enter the number of the Unit you were in when that merit badge was earned.
  • Requirement 4 – Position of Responsibility: Re-enter the date of the Life Scout Board of Review and then identify only those positions of responsibility held after that date and before your 18th birthday. Do not put “Present” as a date. If you held the position until the day before your 18th birthday, use that date as the termination date of the position. The only leadership positions creditable under Requirement 4 are those listed on the application form.
  • Requirement 5 – Service Project: Provide the name of your Eagle Scout Service Project and the grand total of hours spent on it. The total hours should match what is recorded on “Project Report Page B” in the “Eagle Scout Service Project Report” section of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook.  Provide the date the service project was completed (i.e., the date the final signature was secured on your Eagle Scout Service Project Report).
  • Requirement 6 – Unit Leader Conference: Provide the date of your Unit leader conference. This date must be before your 18th birthday.
  • Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose / Listing of Leadership Outside Scouting: Prepare your statement of ambitions and life purpose. This statement should address the question: what do you want to do with your life at this point in your life? Provide a list of positions held outside of Scouting and the activities you’ve been involved in. This will provide the Board of Review with some insight into what else you have been doing.
  • Certification By Applicant: Sign and date the application form and provide your telephone number.
  • Unit Leader Signature: Obtain the signature of your Unit leader and provide that leader’s telephone number and date of signature. If a parent of the candidate is the Unit leader or committee chair, the application form must still be signed by them, certifying that all the information provided therein is correct.
  • Unit Committee Chair Signature: Obtain the signature of the Unit committee chair and provide that leader’s telephone number and date of signature.

The completed Eagle Scout Rank Application form does not have to be received by Mayflower Council prior to your 18th birthday, but you must have completed all the requirements 1 through 6. You are certifying this by your signature and the signatures by your Unit leadership. Delay in submitting your Application to Mayflower Council could impact your ability to have your Eagle Scout Rank Board of Review within the time allowed by BSA.

Final Steps: Submit an Eagle Scout Application to Mayflower Council.

  • Scan the Completed Form: Scan both sides of the completed Eagle Scout Rank Application Form
    and Contact Page (B). Save it as a PDF file.
  • Electronically Submit the Completed Form: Submit the PDF File of the completed Eagle Scout
    Rank Application Form and Contact Page (B) to the Mayflower Council email address: You will receive an email confirmation of its receipt from Mayflower Council. The Council office will send the District Advancement team your Application after the Council office has verified dates and information on your Application.  Please allow 2 weeks for verification process.
  •  Provide Eagle Project Data:  “To Submit Project Data” and enter the requested information concerning the Eagle Scout Service Project. NOTE: This information is optional but it is used by National to show the amount of work Scouting is giving back to the community.
  • Eagle Scout Rank Application Binder for the Board of Review: It is strongly suggested that all the
    Eagle Rank information be assembled into a three-ring binder to keep it orderly and neat.  Assemble the following materials in the order listed below:

    • Eagle Scout Rank Application – the original signed copy that was scanned to the Mayflower Council.
    • Statement of Ambitions – This is the statement of ambitions and life purpose you prepared, as specified under CERTIFICATION BY APPLICANT, page 2 of the Eagle Scout Rank Application form.
    • Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook – containing all signatures and including all sections:
      • Contact Information – Proposal page B;
      • Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal – pages C through E, as signed by the District Advancement Chair, and a copy of any email or other written correspondence exchanged between the District Advancement Chair and the applicant during the proposal review and approval process;
      • Fundraising Application (if applicable) – page A;
      • Eagle Scout Service Project Final Plan – cover and pages A through E; and
      • Eagle Scout Service Project Report – cover and pages A through C.
    • The Workbook should include everything that is applicable to the project and include any
      photographs, diagrams, maps, data, etc. that you believe will assist the District Board of Review
      panel in understanding/visualizing the project. Make sure you, the project beneficiary, and the
      Unit leader have signed the Project Report, as required on Project Report page C.
      Scheduling your Eagle Scout Rank Board of Review: A member of the District Advancement
      team will contact you and/or your Unit Leadership to schedule your Eagle Scout Rank Board of
  • Submit the Completed Eagle Scout Rank Application Binder: You will be directed to deliver the
    Eagle Scout Rank Application Binder to either a member of the District Advancement Team in advance of the scheduled date for your Board of Review or to your Unit Advancement Administrator for presentation to your Board of Review panel when you arrive for your Board. Letters of Recommendation: Refer to Eagle Scout Reference Letter Procedures . The Unit’s advancement administrator, or other designated contact person, will retain the letters UNOPENED for delivery to the Eagle Scout Rank Board of Review. The scout should not be in
    possession of the reference letters.
  • What to Expect After the Eagle Board of Review
    The Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook is returned to the Scout at the end of the Board of Review.   The Eagle Certificate will be mailed directly to the Scout, once it arrives from the National Council

Mayflower Council, Boy Scouts of America – Advancement Committee – November 26, 2018

2019 Golf Classic Sponsors

Thank you to all of our sponsors for the

2019 Investment In Character Golf Classic.


100th Anniversary of Camp Resolute

Come join current and past staff, campers, and leaders as we celebrate this milestone. Tour the camp, share your memories, re-engage with friends from the past! The afternoon will begin with activity stations open for your enjoyment, a re-dedication of memorial park, then a barbecue, formal parade and retreat, special presentations, and a closing campfire that we hope you will participate in. We will have displays of memorabilia to share as well.

This event is open to all past Resolute and Day Camp staff, campers, leaders, and their families!

Come for the whole time or come when you can.

There will be memorabilia items to purchase, commemorative coin, belt buckle, and lapel pin. All attendees will receive a 100th Anniversary patch.

Registration Deadline: July 13, 2019

Independence Day

The Marlborough and Canton Service Centers will be closed on Thursday, July 4th in honor of  Independence Day.