Today the Mayflower Council leadership has amended the following guidelines: the maximum group size allowed at Scouting meetings and activities to mirror that of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Phase III, Step I and the availability of our camp properties. The revised guidelines are in red:

  • Before resuming any meetings or activities, check with your charter organization to ensure they approve. Some charter organizations are not opening their facilities for meetings or have imposed additional restrictions on group meetings and activities. Rules or guidance from your charter organization must be followed. Please respect their wishes.
  • Currently Camp Resolute & Nobscot Scout Reservation are available for tent camping on both weekdays and weekends. Camp Squanto will be open for tent camping beginning on August 1. Adventure Day Camp at Camp Resolute is open solely for programs hosted by the Mayflower Council in June, July & August. It is important to note that the revised gathering sizes do not apply when camping at our camp properties. Our camp properties are subject to sector-specific rules that are more stringent.
  • Individuals at higher risk of severe illness (older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions) should consult their physician prior to participation in any group activities.
  • All participants should review their current health prior to participating in any activity. Individuals with temperatures higher than 100.4 and other symptoms of COVID-19 should not participate.
  • All units must keep a detailed roster of participants for all meetings and activities, so they are prepared in the event that contact tracing is required.
  • All individuals who believe they may have been exposed to COVID-19 must quarantine for 14-days prior to participation in any Scouting activity.
  • Outdoor meetings are highly encouraged.
  • All persons should remain at least six feet apart to the greatest extent possible, both inside and outside.
  • Group Meetings:
    • Indoor gatherings are limited to 8 persons per 1,000 square feet of accessible, indoor floor space and never more than 25 persons in a single enclosed, indoor space.
    • Outdoor gatherings in enclosed, permitted or leased spaces are limited to 25% of the maximum permitted occupancy of the facility or 8 persons per 1,000 square feet  and never more than 100 persons in a single outdoor space that is enclosed, permitted or leased.
    • Outdoor gatherings in unenclosed spaces are not subject to capacity limitations.
      • Gatherings in Unenclosed Spaces: Outdoor gatherings that are not subject to the capacity limitations above, such as those in a park, backyard, athletic field, or parking lot are permitted, provided that the type of gathering is not prohibited in the list below.
      • Prohibited Activities: Street festivals, agricultural festivals, walk-a-thons, road races and bike races, and other outdoor, organized athletic or recreational events that gather large numbers of participants or spectators outdoors are prohibited until further notice.
  • We encourage you to postpone any large meetings or activities and continue virtual gatherings where possible, utilizing conference calls or online video conferencing.
  • Transportation to and from activities should be made within family units. Carpooling should be discouraged.
  • Each Scout and adult are required to wear a face covering.
  • Handwashing and sanitation of shared supplies must be done between use.
  • Sleeping arrangements on camping trips should be limited to one person per tent, unless they are family.
  • Families/siblings do not need to maintain social distancing for transportation, sleeping, or meetings.
  • Six foot distancing should be maintained when practical during hikes, bike rides, and other follow the leader activities.
  • All local, state, and federal safety guidelines should be followed. Please review guidelines for not only your unit’s meeting location, but the location of any camping/activity destination.
  • Ensure all Boy Scouts of America Youth Protection guidelines are adhered to.
  • It is recommended that these guidelines be shared with each member of your unit and posted during all meetings and activities. Units should obtain written permission from parents stating that they have reviewed these guidelines and consent to having their child participate in Scouting activities. Keep these permissions with the unit health forms.