See “Process for Requesting and Reviewing a Time Extension,”, written below:

To begin this process, please use this form: Request for Extension of Time to Earn the Eagle Scout Rank

Please email to let them know to expect this, and to get their guidance and suggestions on how to proceed

Who is able to get an extension? – These are available only to youth who qualify according to the three tests listed in “Time Extensions,” (please read section above).

Who can request an extension for a Scout? – A Scout, his or her parent or guardian, unit leader, or members of the unit committee may file such requests.

Who reviews these requests for extension? – The Council Advancement Committee must research and evaluate requests and recommend decisions to the Scout Executive.  A subcommittee in the Council Advancement Committee will be in touch with all individuals involved in the reason for the extension.  A letter from the Committee and the Scout Executive will be sent out if/when the extension is granted.  This is explained in items #2 and #3 below.

How long may these extensions be? – Councils have the authority to grant Scouts only enough time to complete the requirements, but not more than a total of six months after the 18th birthday. Under most circumstances, however, three to four months has proven sufficient. This is explained in item #4 below.   If a council denies a request or the Scout needs more than six months, an appeal process is discussed in “Appealing a Time Extension Denial,”, this is explained in item #5 below.

Note from the BSA: Definition of a month

Note as stated on page 2 of the Guide to Advancement a month is a month regardless how many days it has. It is not defined as 30 days or four weeks. For example, the maximum extension of six months means the time period beginning on the Scout’s 18th birthday up to the corresponding day six months later, for example, February 2 up to August 2 or August 30 up to February 28 (or 29th if leap year). In essence, the extension expiration date acts like a pseudo 18th birthday, prior to which all requirements must be fulfilled. Six months does not mean 180 days.