Popcorn Kick-off Meeting

Here Comes Popcorn! We Are Ready to Kick-Off the 2019 Trail’s End Popcorn Sale and We Want to See You!

This year Mayflower Council will be having four kick-offs for the popcorn sale. They will be on June 5 (Medfield), June 11 (Framingham area), June 17 (Marshfield) or June 20 (Abington), choose the one you like the best. For the convenience of our units we have them spread out in all areas of the council. Your unit should plan on bringing multiple representatives to learn all the information, and make it more fun.

You want to be there for this! Not just for the additional commission percentage (up to 5%!), but for the sheer knowledge. Trail’s End is bringing HUGE changes in technology this year that will increase Scout sales and make it much easier to track a whole unit’s sale.

The popcorn kick-off meetings will showcase the council plan for the year, the timeline, and the commission. Most importantly, they will show you how you can plan your unit’s sale to maximize your efforts. Our highlight this year is a Trail’s End smart phone app with which every unit can track all sales of all Scouts in the unit. There is a LOT more functionality built in too.

Are you a new unit in Mayflower Council? If so, welcome and we invite you to attend a kick-off meeting so we can show you how your unit can earn enough money in one fundraiser to support your Scouting adventures for the entire year!

Are you an established unit but just not earning enough to support your program financially? Join us and learn just how simple it can be to earn that extra money you need. We’ve got a way so simple, you don’t even need to touch the product to earn money for your unit.

Step 1: Pick the Date & Location that Works Best for You

Guarantee a great fall for your unit with fundraising success at one of our kick- offs. Meet your district popcorn kernel and get all your questions answered!

There are four dates and locations, choose the one that works best for your schedule.

Here is a sneak peek of some of the exciting changes:




Step 2: Create an Account and Commit to Funding Your Unit’s Adventures.

We recommend you create an account using your unit type, number and town. Example: Pack 123 Anytown. Click the button below to get started.


We look forward to seeing you at one of our exciting kick-offs.

If you have questions, we have answers. Email us at popcorn@mayflowerbsa.org