Campmaster Program

As we enter the busy camping season the Council is planning to increase our Campmasters Corp at all three of our camp facilities. This is a great opportunity to serve Mayflower Council and the Campers with high quality assistance on their weekend camping. Please follow the link below and start your journey to becoming a Mayflower Council Campmaster.

The Campmaster Corps is a group of selected, trained, and registered Scouters who serve at council weekend camps whenever troops, teams, Webelos dens, crews or posts are using any part of the camp property. Campmasters select their own time and frequency of service but, they usually serve one to three times a year. The group is organized under the leadership of the council camping committee. The entire project and its personnel are responsible to the Scout Executive or Director of Support Services. The Corps generally meet once a year to evaluate its program, schedule ahead, and arrange for the training of any new members.

Campmasters are selected on the basis of their ability in several areas: outdoor skills, specialized knowledge of nature and conservation, and leadership skills. All Campmasters must have a record of demonstrated ability to get along with people, to lead, and to act in an emergency.

All Campmasters must have a working knowledge of Scouting and be registered Scouters to be eligible for consideration as Campmasters.

Campmaster Duties

  1. Work closely with Camp Ranger to ensure quality camping experience and that units get the most out of what our camps have to offer.
  2. Check units in on their arrival at camp (usually Friday evening)
  3. Render commissioner-type service to the units in camp, working with and through the youth leaders and adult leaders.
  4. Ensure that units know where to find water, firewood, and latrines.
  5. Campmasters coordinate the work of any specialists or merit badge counselors present so that units receive the maximum benefit from these skilled people.
  6. Inspect and complete a checkout form prior to unit departure. Ensure the facility/grounds are clean and note any damage or maintenance issues for the ranger.
  7. Occasionally opening the trading post.

Some typical offerings of a seasoned camp-master

  1. Assist new leaders in getting the unit set up.
  2. Assist two units in holding an inter-unit activity or campfire.
  3. Help develop and carry out plans for religious services, unit or campwide.
  4. Meet with leaders in regard to conservation and related camp Good Turns.
  5. Arrange convenient check-in/checkout schedules.
  6. Secure loan of camp equipment for units.

How to become a Campmaster

  • Apply using fillable PDF at the link below or email
  • Recruit other adults within your unit.
  • Once selected, attend a Campmaster training program provided by the Mayflower Council.

Camp Squanto, Plymouth MA

Nobscot Scout Reservation, Sudbury MA

Paul Robsham, Jr. Scout Reservation (Camp Resolute), Bolton MA