Cranberry Harbors Commissioners

Asst. District Commissioners
Dennis Gleason (Roundtable)
David Hosford
Kevin Radford
Unit Commissioners Roundtable Commissioners
Mark Henderson ALyssa Baracewicz
Margaret Hillman Will Berggren
Mike Josti Cory Mace
John Knox Vincent Thornton
John Lyne
Rick Robbins
Rocky Smith
Stephen Trimble

Cranberry Harbors District Committee

David Hosford Asstisant District Chair
Michelle Joyce Assistant District Chair
Open Fiance Chair
Michelle Joyce Activities Co-chair
Michele Mott  Activities Co-chair
David Winters  Advancement Chair
Brian Duane  Camping Chair
Kevin Radford Training Chair
David Hosford  Membership Chair
Michael Josti  Nominations
Members at Large
Rick Robbins
Charlie Murphy
Jack Foley
John Lyne
Grayce Troiano
Ellen Walch
Patrick Walsh
Richard Stritzinger
Rocky Smith


Unit Type Unit Number Town Family Pack or Boy Pack Unit Type Unit Number Town Scouts BSA
Pack 1 Brockton Boy Troop 1 Brockton Boy
Pack 2 Weymouth Boy Troop 1 Brockton Girl
Pack 9 Weymouth Boy Troop 2 Weymouth Boy
Pack 12 Rockland Family Troop 8 Weymouth Boy
Pack 19 Braintree Boy Troop 9 Weymouth Boy
Pack 22 Braintree Family Troop 13 Avon Girl
Pack 24 Stoughton Family Troop 17 Brockton Boy
Pack 28 E. Bridgewater Family Troop 19 Weymouth Boy
Pack 31 Bridgewater Boy Troop 22 Braintree Boy
Pack 36 Randolph Family Troop 25 W. Bridgewater Boy
Pack 41 Abington Family Troop 29 E. Bridgewater Boy
Pack 56 Holbrook Family Troop 29 E. Bridgewater Girl
Pack 76 Easton Boy Troop 31 Bridgewater Boy
Pack 77 Canton Family Troop 32 E. Bridgewater Boy
Pack 88 Bridgewater Family Troop 41 Abington Boy
Pack 117 Brockton Family Troop 42 Easton Boy
Pack 193 Easton Family Troop 47 Randolph Boy
Pack 196 Braintree Family Troop 56 Holbrook Boy
Pack 303 Weymouth Family Troop 57 Rockland Boy
Pack 1496 Braintree Family Troop 77 Canton Boy
Pack 2000 Brockton Boy Troop 88 Bridgewater Boy
Troop 92 Weymouth Boy
Troop 113 Rockland Boy
Troop 138 Braintree Boy
Troop 153 Holbrook Boy
Troop 193 Easton Boy
Troop 516 Stoughton Boy
Troop 1022 Weymouth Girl
Troop 1046 Brockton Boy
Troop 2000 Brockton Boy
Unit Type Unit Number Town
Crew 1 Brockton
Crew 16 Weymouth
Crew 29 E. Bridgewater
Crew 41 Abington
Ship 323 Weymouth

Sachem District Committee

District Chair Joshua Slovin
District Commissioner Mark Vecchione
Finance Chair Vacant
Membership Chair Frank Ray
Camping Chair Steven Bailey
Advancement Chair Mark Jennings
Activies Chair Dan Toy
Training Chair Rob Lyons
Civic Service Chair Louise Goodwin
Religious Emblems Chair Kate Anderson
Popcorn Kernel Kathryn Caruso
Members at Large
Gene Avrus
Richard Carlson
David Chase
Laurie Cirgnano
Henry Colageo
Lisa Cummings
Steven Fagan
John Fink
Evan Gee
Henry Goldman
Josh Hunt
Christopher Lamie
Ronald Larsen
Beverly Levine
Edward Levine
Mandy Lyons
James McKnight
Cynthia Norton
Robert Peoples
Christopher Schultz
Mike Silvia
Michael Stecker
George Viglas
Paula Wood

Sachem District/Unit Commissioners

Position Area Covered Name
District Commissioner Dave Emhardt
Asst. District Commissioner Internet Tools Hank Goldman
Asst. District Commissioner Bridgewater Jim Hogrell Sr.
Asst. District Commissioner Weymouth Vacant
Roundtable Commissioner Cub Scouting Beverly Levine
Roundtable Commissioner Scouts BSA, Venturing, Sea Scouting Henry Colageo
Unit Town Unit Commissioner Unit Town Unit Commissioner
P1 Brockton Steve Boudreau T1 Brockton Steve Boudreau
P2 Weymouth Brian Chase/Waldon Larossee T1G Brockton Steve Boudreau
P9 Weymouth Vacant T2 Weymouth Brian Chase/Waldon Larosee
FP12 Rockland Beverly Levine T8 Weymouth Vacant
P19 Braintree Hank Goldman T9 Weymouth Joseph McKay
FP22 Braintree Natalee Dantuono T13G Avon Mark Vecchione
FP24 Stoughton John Fink T17 Brockton John Fink
FP28 E. Bridgewater Terri Levesque T19 Weymouth Hank Goldman
P31 Bridgewater Wayne Goodwin T22 Braintree Waldon Larosee
FP36 Randolph Fred Wickles T25 W. Bridgewater Wayne Goodwin/Kevin Kourtz
FP41 Abington Beverly Levine T29 E. Bridgewater Jim Hogrell Sr./Kevin Kourtz
FP56 Avon Steve Boudreau/Stephen Baker T29G E. Bridgewater Mark Vecchione
P76 Easton Mike Stecker T31 Bridgewater Wayne Goodwin/Jim Hogrell Sr./Kevin Kourtz
FP77 Canton Dave Emhardt T41 Abington John Fink
FP88 Bridgewater Wayne Goodwin T42 Easton Mike Stecker
FP117 Brockton John Fink T47 Randolph Fred Wickles
FP193 Easton Mike Stecker T56 Holbrook Steve Boudreau/Stephen Baker
FP193 Braintree Natalee Dantuono T57 Rockland Vacant
FP303 Weymouth Hank Goldman T77 Canton Dave Emhardt
FP1496 Braintree Natalee Dantuono T88 Bridgewater Wayne Goodwin/Kevin Kourtz/Mark Vecchione
P2000 Brockton John Fink T92 Weymouth Bryan Chase/Waldon Larosee
T113 Rockland Vacant
T138 Braintree Waldon Larosee
T153 Holbrook Steve Boudreau/Stephen Baker
T193 Easton Mike Stecker
T516 Stoughton John Fink
T1022 Weymouth Vacant
T1046 Brockton Steve Boudreau
T2000 Brockton John Fink
Unit Town Unit Commissioner
C1 Brockton Steve Boudreau
C16 Weymouth Vacant
C29 E. Bridgewater Jim Hogrell Sr./Kevin Kourtz
C41 Abington John Fink
S323 Weymouth Waldon Larosee
Unit Types Key
P – Boys Cub Scouting Pack
FP – Family Cub Scouting Pack
T – Boys Scouts BSA Troop
GT – Girls Scouts BSA Troop
C – Venturing Crew
S – Ship

November Roundtable

Below are the event flyers, training newsletters and other information from our November Roundtable.

Wood Badge Brochure

Scouts BSA Training Day – 2019-11-09

Reporting Community Service Hours update 2019

Philmont 2020 Flyer – Girl Troop

P-Bruins November Schedule

Membership Fees

Additional Disclosures and Background Check Authorization

Mayflower training news Nov 19

LNT May 2020

Freeze Out 2020



Celebrating 400 Years!

Scouts in the UK have developed a program that celebrates the Pilgrims leaving England and landing here in present day Massachusetts.

The year 2020 is the 400th anniversary of that event. Scouts in the UK have contacted units in Plymouth, MA to partner with over the next year.  There are currently 20 units that have signed up indicating that they would like to take part in the program.

This program is a number of activities based on many of the things that the Pilgrims did once they arrived in present day Plymouth. There are skills that are divided from easy to more difficult and available for Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA or Venture Crews.

Troop 51 has spearheaded this program and is in touch with Scouts in the UK. Please see the flyer below for contact information.

November Training Newsletter

2019-2020 District Nomination Forms

Below you will find nomination forms for recognizing Scouters at the unit and district levels.  As well as Nationally recognized nomination forms.

  • Nomination form for District Awards – Due by February 15th
    • Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Venturing Crew Advisor , Committee Chair (for any Unit) and Charter Organization Representative of the Year Awards
    • Unsung Hero Award – someone who goes above and beyond in the District
    • “Sparkplug” – each Pack, Troop, or Crew can recognize one of their adult leaders for going above and beyond
  • Nomination for the District Award of Merit – Due by February 15th

Two ways to submit this form:
• Drop it off at a Mayflower Council Service Center.
• Email it to and copy your District Executive.

The District Key 3 typically will present the awards at the District Recognition dinner.

Other Nationally Recognized Awards that you can nominate someone for are below.

Commissioner Awards

Unit Leader Award of Merit

Veteran Award

Background Check Disclosures/Authorization FAQ

Please note this information cannot be distributed with the original message or in any message with the disclosure forms due to laws specific to the transmission of these documents.


  1. Is the BSA doing credit checks on volunteers?
    • No. The BSA will only use these signed authorization forms for approval to obtain a criminal background check. State and federal laws regulating background checks and consumer credit checks require that both items be mentioned on the form since a full background check includes both parts. Again, the BSA is only using this form for authorization to obtain a criminal background check.
  2. Why is this being done now?
    1. Starting in 2020, rechecks will be performed every five years, but it will take several years to recheck all leaders. Unfortunately, technical limitations and changes in the law over the last five years prevent us from using existing authorizations from older applications. As such, new disclosure had to be sent and new signed authorization forms obtained. Rechartering provides the best window to collect and verify they have been received before the council processes the recharter application.
  3. What about volunteers that are not registered with units?
    • All currently registered adults and employees who have not had a criminal background check in the last five years will be rechecked. Mayflower Council will individually track district and council registered employees and leaders, including merit badge counselors.
  4. What about those who did not get the forms by e-mail?
    • Ample copies of the background check disclosure and agreement will be provided November Roundtable meetings and are available on our website at
    • Your unit leader, or the leader responsible for completing your unit’s annual charter renewal, will ensure that each registered adult volunteer leader receives both the disclosure form as well as the authorization form. The council will collect all of your unit’s authorization forms (we will not need to collect the separate disclosure page) at the time that your unit submits their annual charter renewal packet. District and council volunteers, including merit badge counselors, should submit the authorization to your district executive, mail it to the Marlborough Service Center, 2 Mount Royal Avenue – Suite 100, Marlborough, MA  01752 or you may email it to
  5. What about those with multiple registrations?
    • Only one authorization form per person needs to be collected and retained by the council. An authorization should be submitted with their primary BSA registration.
  6. What happens if a unit leader does not provide an authorization?
    • Leaders who do not provide new authorization will not be able to renew their registration.
  7. Why can’t the volunteer just reply to the original e-mail and attach their signed authorization form?
    • The best way for us to ensure compliance is to require that the council registrar verify that a signed authorization form is physically in hand before processing a unit’s recharter. This removes much of the potential error and associated penalties that could result from other methods. This will facilitate the process of ensuring that a current form is on file at the council service center before posting their registration.
  8. Are there different forms for different states?
    • Federal and state laws prescribe what must be in the disclosures and how they are to be provided. A form compliant with federal and various state laws was sent to all volunteer leaders except those in California. Leaders with a California home address or whose council territory includes California received California-specific forms due to the specific requirements of California law.
  9. Can the council accept a faxed copy or scanned copy sent via email of the signed authorization?
    • Yes, so long as it is legible and is sent by the individual who signed it.
    • Your unit leader, or the leader responsible for completing your unit’s annual charter renewal, will ensure that each registered adult volunteer leader receives both the disclosure form as well as the authorization form. The council will collect all of your unit’s authorization forms (we will not need to collect the separate disclosure page) at the time that your unit submits their annual charter renewal packet. District and council volunteers, including merit badge counselors, should submit the authorization to your district executive, mail it to the Marlborough Service Center, 2 Mount Royal Avenue – Suite 100, Marlborough, MA  01752 or you may email it to
  10. Can the council accept an electronic signature?
    • Digital signatures from third-party providers are acceptable. E-mail confirmations, permissions or typed names on the form are not acceptable substitutes for wet signatures.
    • Your unit leader, or the leader responsible for completing your unit’s annual charter renewal, will ensure that each registered adult volunteer leader receives both the disclosure form as well as the authorization form. The council will collect all of your unit’s authorization forms (we will not need to collect the separate disclosure page) at the time that your unit submits their annual charter renewal packet. District and council volunteers, including merit badge counselors, should submit the authorization to your district executive, mail it to the Marlborough Service Center, 2 Mount Royal Avenue – Suite 100, Marlborough, MA  01752 or you may email it to
  11. What about unit renewals that have already been processed or will not recharter until after January 1?
    • For unit renewals that have already been posted because the unit renewal date was prior to the email notification or the unit renewal date is after January 1, authorization forms still need to be collected as soon as possible. All new authorization forms should be received by December 31, 2019.
  12. The authorization form states the BSA can share my background with other entities. Which entities are those?
    • Background checks are conducted by the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America and shared with local councils for the purpose of conducting Scouting business. Local councils are separate organizations from the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America.
  13. Can the council require the forms be collected at the unit level and not sent to the council service center?
    • Yes. The council can require the forms be collected at the unit level or by a designated unit representative.
    • We want to clarify what is needed from you, and how this will be handled in our Mayflower Council:
      • Every registered leader needs to review, sign, and turn in the “Additional Disclosures & Background Check Authorization” form in order to renew their membership for next year.
      • If your primary registration is with a unit, please give the form with your original signature to your unit leader, or the leader responsible for completing your unit’s annual charter renewal, who will submit it with the recharter paperwork.
      • If your primary registration is NOT with a unit, please give the form with your original signature to your district executive, mail it to the Marlborough Service Center, 2 Mount Royal Avenue – Suite 100, Marlborough, MA  01752 or you may email it to

Download this FAQ as a PDF