Last Chance Popcorn Kickoff Meeting


Join The Fundraiser That Can Fund Your Scouting Adventures All Year!

Does your unit need to earn funds for events and activities? Was your unit unable to have your scheduled spring fundriaser? Are you a new unit looking for ideas on how to earn funds?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then please join us and we will show you how your unit can earn enough money in one fundraiser to support your Scouting adventures for the entire year!

We’ve got a way so simple, you don’t even need to touch the product to earn money for your unit.

Registration is required and the link will be emailed to you the morning of the scheduled meeting.

You must attend one of the virtual training sessions for your unit to earn an extra 3% above the base of 30% and pay on-time.

LAST MEETING is scheduled for:  Tuesday, June 23rd, 7:00 – 8:30 pm

Cranberry Harbors June Roundtable Items

Headwaters June 4th Roundtable Follow up

Hello Headwaters

Thank you to the Pack and Troop leaders that joined our Roundtable team on Thursday for a conversation about the recent changes and announcements to Scouting.  We appreciate everyone that shared their thoughts, questions, concerns and comments through our anonymous Google Survey (link below).  These concerns will be analyzed by our District Leadership and brought to the conversation with the Council Key 3 and other District Key 3s.

The Council is planning to hold two Council-wide Roundtables so that we can collaborate and answer questions as Scouting and the state of Massachusetts start to reopen and update safety measures.  They are scheduled for July 15th and August 19th.

At our Roundtable we showed a few items on our screen that everyone asked to have sent to them, so we have attached the documents below:

1 – Troop 14 Bellingham shared a Super Cub Summer Passport – 2012SuperCubSummerPassportEDIT

2 – they also shared a Summertime Passport for Cubs to check off the activities they complete on their own – SummertimePassport2014

3 – Scoutmaster from Troop 22 Whitman has shared their April Virtual Campout agenda –  April_Virtual_Campout

Take a look at these resources and make edits for what works best for your Pack, Troop or Crew!

Our message from last night: The only limit to what we can still do as Scouting Units is our own imagination.  Let’s get creative and find the new way to provide an excellent Scouting program!

Additional links:

– Trainings –

– Popcorn Kickoff Meetings:

– Summer Camp Resident camp FAQ –

– Adventure Day Camp –

Virtual Merit Badge Offerings – June/July

The Mayflower Council has secured merit badge councelors to teach a few merit badges virtually.  Scouts can now sign up for the following virtual merit badge offerings.

Space is limited, please sign up as soon as possible.  Each course is only $10.00.

Click on the merit badge you are interested in to sign up.

Genealogy Do you know your family tree? Do you know how to trace your heritage and family ancestry? Join us for a remote and virtual merit badge experience to earn your Genealogy Merit Badge!  Wednesday’s, June 17, June 24, and July 1 from 6:30 – 7:30pm.

Electricity – Do you know how your house get’s power? Do you know how to wire a circuit? Do you know the first aid for electric shock? Join us for a remote and virtual class of Electricity Merit Badge! Wednesday’s, June 10, June 17, and June 24 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm.

Citizenship In The Community – Now is an important time to take Citizenship in the Community. Continue your trail to Eagle Scout by taking this required merit badge that explores doing your duty as a good citizen in your neighborhood and town. Tuesday’s June 9, June 16, June 23, and June 30 from 7:00 – 8:00 pm.

Sustainability – Are you interested in the sustainability of our planet? Do you know about renewable energy and upcycling by products? Take Sustainability Merit Badge, an Eagle Scout required alternative badge to Environmental Science that explores how we can reduce, reuse, and recycle to help our planet. Monday’s, June 8, June 15, June 22, and June 29 from 7:00 – 8:00 pm.

Public Health  – There is no better time to be learning about public health than right now. Everyone has learned a lot about infectious diseases and their effects on our communities and nation. Learn from the real-world example of Covid-19 as we teach you about how Scouts can help our communities in the Public Health Merit Badge. Monday’s,  June 15, June 22, June 29, and July 6.

Session A – 3:00 – 4:00 pm

Session B – 7:00 – 8:00 pm

Emergency Prep – Scouting it built on our motto, Be Prepared! Every Scout should be prepared for any situation that could occur such as medical emergencies, home emergencies, search and rescue emergencies or natural disasters. This merit badge explores what you can do today to start preparing with your family, home, troop and community. Continue your journey to Be Prepared with the Eagle required merit badge, Emergency Prepareness! Thursday’s, June 11, June 18, and June 25 from 6:00 – 7:30 pm.

National BSA Member Fee Increase

Dear Scouting Family,

Today the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America announced an increase to the annual membership fees. These increases are a result of rising operational costs and COVID-19, which has created a substantial unplanned loss of revenue due to mandated Scout Shop closures and shortened high adventure base seasons.

Locally, our council is also facing financial challenges and we are doing our best to address the impact of three months of office closure, activity cancellations, diminished fundraising campaigns, and the loss of some of our summer camp season. We know, however, that our staff and volunteers will continue to do their best to offer high-quality Scouting experiences during these challenging times.

We understand many of our Scouting families are also dealing with similar financial issues. We do not want finances to be a barrier to participation in Scouting, and will do our best to assist families who need it, to the fullest extent possible.

We are aware some of our members may have heard about these fee changes this weekend via social media. The Mayflower Council did not share this information previously because the National Council requested that all councils wait until June 1st before distributing this news. Some councils, unfortunately, chose to share the information prematurely, which may have spawned some confusion. The Mayflower Council apologizes for any inconvenience this action may have caused.

Please review the infographic below. Click here to view the frequently asked questions about the fee increase. As more information is released, we will share the most up to date information here.

Thank you for your continued dedication to our Scouts. As Scouting navigates these turbulent times, we stand together to achieve our shared mission: helping young people in our community learn, grow, and thrive.

If you have specific questions regarding these changes, please contact your district executive or email us.

Yours in Scouting,

Mike Rotar
Council President

Josh Paulin
Council Commissioner

Bryan Feather
Scout Executive / CEO