Cub Scout Training Day

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All Cub Scout leaders are invited to join us for a fun morning filled with training opportunities. There are many benefits to taking training in person instead of online. Here are the “bonuses” we’re offering on March 16th:

  • Leader guides for sale, registration materials, and other resources to save you a trip to the council office or the Scout store.
  • Fun activities for your Cub-age youth while their parents are getting trained.
  • A chance to meet fellow leaders and get resources to help your program!


  • 8:30-10:20: Den Leader Position-Specific Training
  • 10:30-11:20: Pack Committee Position-Specific Training
  • 11:30-12:20: Cubmaster Position-Specific Training
  • All morning: youth program
  • All morning: training materials, help with online recordkeeping, and more
  • Additional workshops to be announced (depending on demand; tell us your interests when you sign up!)

Walk-ins are welcome, but we’d greatly appreciate pre-registration so we have a headcount to prepare supplies. This will also allow us to contact participants with any last-minute details.
