

Nobscot Scout Reservation, 1 Nobscot Road, Framingham/Sudbury, MA


It’s nicer at Nobscot!

The Nobscot Alumni Association (NAA) is open to Scouters interested in maintaining the future of Nobscot Scout Reservation as Scouting’s outdoor laboratory and it’s unique character for generations to come.


Goals and Objectives

  • Develop the Alumni Association as a key resource for Nobscot
  • Establish programs for volunteer recruitment
  • Put mechanisms in place to measure volunteer impact
  • Measure BSA unit cabin and camping overnight usage and trends
  • Track general public hiking use
  • Take a leadership role in the development of a long-range plan
  • Seek opportunities for raising funds
  • Make a difference while having fun!

Since our formation, the NAA has:

  • Participated in workdays
  • Conducted a facilities audit
  • Formed a strategic plan committee
  • Developed a Nobscot Trails Crew for older Scouts/Venturers


By joining in with the NAA, you’ll be alongside those who have a history of enjoying Nobscot –  some nearly 60 years, others a year or two.  But all have been positively impacted by this unique property.  Membership levels range from Founding Life Member ($1,000), Life Member ($500), Gold Oakleaf ($100/year), Silver Oakleaf ($50/year), Bronze Oakleaf ($25/year).  Separate donations are always welcomed.  All members receive a Nobscot Alumni patch, regular email updates and participation in NAA events.

Join us!

Questions?  Email us

If not us, then who?

Recent News

Cabin 18 Getting A Lift

November 24th, 2020|0 Comments

Matt Karpacz of the Hammer Crew placing a new 4 x 6 pressure treated sill plate at Cabin 18 at Nobscot. The cabin had been jacked up and old rotted sill plates and rim [...]

New Windows

November 24th, 2020|0 Comments

Peter Lanciano and Matt Karpacz of the Hammer Crew reframed openings and put in 6 new windows in Cabin 31 at Nobscot. Not shown are other loyal members of the Hammer Crew who also [...]