Yearly Archives: 2020


Cranberry Harbors District November Roundtable

Slides from our November Roundtable and the YPT flyer from the Training Committee are posted below.  Thanks to Steve Hurley for his excellent presentation on the BSA's conservation awards and recognition program. November Roundtable slides Youth Protection Training 2020 Popcorn 2021 Philmont Flyer/Informational Session 2020 Outstanding Eagle Scouts Award

By |2020-11-09T09:36:26-05:00November 9th, 2020|Cranberry Harbors District Roundtable|

Headwaters November Roundtable Powerpoint

Hello Headwaters, We hope you are joining us for our November 5th virtual roundtable. The Agenda for our Roundtable is: Welcome Opening Recharter update Training update District news Safety minute: Winter sports Breakouts – Cub scout breakout: Keeping your cub scouts having fun – Scouts BSA breakout: How to conduct socially distant ceremonies You [...]

By |2020-11-06T08:54:36-05:00November 6th, 2020|Headwaters District, Headwaters Roundtable|

Farewell Good Friend

It is with mixed emotions that we announce the retirement of Rick Poirier, Director of Support Services.  Rick has been an integral part of the Mayflower Council and the Boy Scouts of America for 38 years. He is an Eagle Scout, NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout, Vigil Honor member of the Order of the Arrow [...]

By |2021-01-07T09:07:48-05:00November 5th, 2020|Council Wide, Newsletter|

Special Cub Activity Ideas Sessions

Below are the presentations from our October Special Den Activity Ideas sessions in the present environment.  Thanks to Joe Hern for the Bear-Webelos Session and to Cory Mace and Alyssa Baracewicz for the Tiger-Wolf session. Den Activities Bear-Webelos - October 2020 Tiger - Wolf_Requirements

By |2020-11-04T10:18:12-05:00November 4th, 2020|Cranberry Harbors District Roundtable|

Youth Protection Training Guide

Tips For Taking Youth Protection Training Online! Learning Plan Total time: 72 minutes Description The safety and well-being of our youth is of paramount importance to our organization, and integral to everything we do. We must continue our commitment to providing a safe and secure environment at all times for all our youth members. [...]

By |2020-11-11T14:47:59-05:00October 27th, 2020|Council Wide, Newsletter, Training|

2021 Silver Beaver Award Nominations

In Scouting, we say "it's about the youth" and none of our adults are involved for the recognition, but every now and then we need to say thanks especially to those volunteers whose leadership and example has left a lasting positive impact on the program and the broader community. One way we do that [...]

By |2020-12-04T10:57:00-05:00October 27th, 2020|Council Wide, Newsletter|

Headwaters Recharter Info 2020

Rechartering time is here! Earlier this month every Unit's Committee Chair and Charter Organization Representative should have received an email with your Unit's personal rechartering code.  Using that code, you can follow the steps at Mayflower Council's Rechartering Webpage to begin this year's re-chartering. An important Note: The Mayflower Council Office in Milford MA [...]

By |2021-03-01T10:24:00-05:00October 22nd, 2020|Headwaters District|

Headwaters October Roundtable Powerpoint

Hello Headwaters, Thank you for joining our October 1st Roundtable. The Agenda for our Roundtable is: A fireside chat with our Council Key 3 Some discussion of Rechartering (opened for Unit Key 3 members on as of October 1st) Journey To Excellence Youth Protection Training Breakout sessions for Cub Scout Units, and Scouts [...]

By |2020-10-01T15:13:05-04:00October 1st, 2020|Headwaters District, Headwaters Roundtable|
