Headwaters District


Headwaters December 2020 RT Powerpoint

Thank you to everyone that joined us on December 3, 2020 Roundtable! We hope everyone had a good holiday season, happy new year to all! And a HUGE congrats to every unit that submitted their chartering paperwork on time! Below is the powerpoint from our Roundtable, please access it to see what we discussed [...]

By |2021-01-13T10:32:43-05:00January 13th, 2021|Headwaters Roundtable|

Headwaters November Roundtable Powerpoint

Hello Headwaters, We hope you are joining us for our November 5th virtual roundtable. The Agenda for our Roundtable is: Welcome Opening Recharter update Training update District news Safety minute: Winter sports Breakouts – Cub scout breakout: Keeping your cub scouts having fun – Scouts BSA breakout: How to conduct socially distant ceremonies You [...]

By |2020-11-06T08:54:36-05:00November 6th, 2020|Headwaters District, Headwaters Roundtable|

Headwaters Recharter Info 2020

Rechartering time is here! Earlier this month every Unit's Committee Chair and Charter Organization Representative should have received an email with your Unit's personal rechartering code.  Using that code, you can follow the steps at Mayflower Council's Rechartering Webpage to begin this year's re-chartering. An important Note: The Mayflower Council Office in Milford MA [...]

By |2021-03-01T10:24:00-05:00October 22nd, 2020|Headwaters District|

Headwaters October Roundtable Powerpoint

Hello Headwaters, Thank you for joining our October 1st Roundtable. The Agenda for our Roundtable is: A fireside chat with our Council Key 3 Some discussion of Rechartering (opened for Unit Key 3 members on my.scouting.org as of October 1st) Journey To Excellence Youth Protection Training Breakout sessions for Cub Scout Units, and Scouts [...]

By |2020-10-01T15:13:05-04:00October 1st, 2020|Headwaters District, Headwaters Roundtable|

Mayflower Council August Roundtable

Thank you everyone that attended the Council-wide roundtable held on Thursday, August 20. Below are the slide presentations from each of the sessions that you can now download. Opening Announcements Cub Scouts How to Meet: Den Leader Outdoor COVID Meeting Guide Keep Your Pack Sound: Fundraising with COVID Restrictions Scouts BSA Rank Advancement in [...]

Council-wide July Roundtable

Thank you for joining us at the Council-wide roundtable held on Wednesday, July 15.  Below are a few slides presented at this meeting as well as videos from our Council Commissioner and the national announcement on the bar date. Using Patrols To Restart Unit Events Keeping Scouts Engaged Developing Your Team Recruiting 2020 [...]

Headwaters June 4th Roundtable Follow up

Hello Headwaters Thank you to the Pack and Troop leaders that joined our Roundtable team on Thursday for a conversation about the recent changes and announcements to Scouting.  We appreciate everyone that shared their thoughts, questions, concerns and comments through our anonymous Google Survey (link below).  These concerns will be analyzed by our District [...]

By |2020-06-10T15:44:35-04:00June 10th, 2020|Headwaters District, Headwaters Roundtable|

April Roundtable: More Remote Programming ideas

Thank you to all Cub Scout leaders that joined us for both the April 2nd Virtual Roundtable and the Cub Scout Check-in virtual meeting on April 22nd.  We appreciate everyone sharing their ideas and plans for remote programming for their Units! Below is an update to our working document of Scouting at Home ideas [...]

By |2020-05-05T14:07:13-04:00May 5th, 2020|Headwaters District|

April Roundtable: Remote Programming Ideas

Hello Headwaters, Below are some of the notes and topics that were discussed at our Virtual District Roundtable at the start of the month.  We had a long conversation about remote programming ideas and what both Troops and Packs can be doing to keep their Scouts engaged and connected. Headwaters District is also here [...]

By |2020-04-22T12:02:44-04:00April 22nd, 2020|Headwaters Roundtable|

Play Family Feud with your Patrol

Troop 314 Scoutmaster Paul has collected answers from Scouters around our district. Top 100 answers on the board!   Download the attached excel file to have the categories and answers for your virtual game of Family Feud, Scouting Patrol edition!   Patrol-Feud-Survey-ResultsDownload

By |2020-04-16T17:00:51-04:00April 13th, 2020|Headwaters District, Unit Resources|
